Conjunto Calakmul, edificio corporativo emblemático de la CDMX en Santa Fe. - en-la-mente-de-un-ejecutivo
En la mente de un ejecutivo
Category: Offices Publication date: 18 de July, 2023 Views: 3345

In the mind of an executive

The prevailing trend assumes that it is most convenient to replace personal interaction with cold communication through the screen of an electronic device.

As the pandemic silently advanced over Mexico, threatening the lifestyle to which we were accustomed, we faced the immediate need to transform our way of carrying out daily activities. Adapting to the idea of confinement became necessary in those times when uncertainty attacked our minds, impacting the vital mechanism of vibrant interaction with an extensive virtual program.

No one imagined that overnight, the sectors that form an entire community would radically live their experiences through a screen. Nothing would be the same. The line between work and domestic life would become as blurry as never before.

For months – although they seem like decades – we have endured hours and hours in front of that digital barrier while tolerating domestic routine, now turning into what seems more like a prison. Where stress and unstable connections skyrocket, causing a significant decrease in productivity in our responsibilities and significantly affecting human mental health: as evidenced by the insightful study conducted by Oracle and Workplace Intelligence, LLC.

Humans are social beings; we need the experiences and surprises that come with the simple act of coexisting. The decisive question here is: To live or to pretend to live?

We have fought the initial battles; now we must confront the reality of returning to the real world. A world that offers endless curiosities and authentic spaces to foster new ideas. The environment in which one operates sets the tone for the lifestyle one desires. Let's not confine our minds; let's seek the freedom that is within reach for those who fight for it.

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