Calakmul - la-realidad-del-siglo-xxi
La realidad del siglo XXI
Category: Work places Publication date: 18 de July, 2023 Views: 2779

The reality of the 21st century

The human mind is programmed to learn from mistakes and move towards a safer future. Recently, and quite frequently, our attention has been focused on recovering from everything the 2020 pandemic brought. This way, we progress in adaptation, remember the fragility of that recovery, and can recognize the uncertainty presented in the current and future reality.

During the initial weeks, we lived with the uncertainty and insecurity of which protocols were appropriate to protect ourselves and avoid contagion. Questions arose, ranging from who should wear masks to whether interacting in open spaces really brought a higher level of prevention, to doubting the true need for social distancing.

However, we can observe that over time, we have normalized what were initially hesitant recommendations from our leaders.

We also remember that at those moments, many scenarios were considered regarding a return to our in-person activities, while online audiovisual services multiplied exponentially, creating a sense of weariness.

Just like in many other countries worldwide, protocols to safeguard against Covid-19 were increasingly implemented in Mexico, with particular attention to offices and workplaces. This was done to give users confidence that the facilities they are in are safe for the performance of their duties.

Living in uncertainty is one of the most overwhelming situations a human can experience. The only reliable way to continue our activities is to enhance safety and hygiene protocols. Considering and following optimized protocols will allow our minds to verify their effectiveness and, consequently, free our thoughts towards our valuable goals.

Actions such as proper mask usage, constant handwashing, covering with the forearm before coughing or sneezing, maintaining a safe distance, staying alert to emerging symptoms, regular temperature checks, and interacting in open or ventilated spaces are some measures that will help us move forward with greater confidence and security. Make these actions part of your work and personal culture. Choose and prefer places and environments where this culture of cleanliness and order exists and is followed. Your mind and body will thank you.

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