Calakmul - la-importancia-del-regreso-a-oficinas-presenciales
La importancia del regreso a oficinas presenciales
Category: Offices Publication date: 18 de July, 2023 Views: 2527

The importance of returning to in-person offices

After several months of remote work, many companies have been preparing for the return of their employees to the offices, a comeback that brings numerous benefits to productivity and team performance. In August and September of 2022, CBRE conducted a survey on the perception of corporate office users in Mexico, with the participation of more than 100 companies from various sectors, whose services play a significant role in the corporate world.

The objective of the survey was to identify the strategies that companies are implementing regarding corporate workspaces as offices reopen, as well as measures taken to adapt to new ways of working.

Although the telecommuting model remains an active tool, returning to in-person work has benefits for employee productivity and performance. Properties that prioritize the well-being of their employees highlight three benefits of returning to corporate offices:

1. **Increased Productivity:** Humans are social beings, and depriving ourselves of this factor can have adverse psychological effects. Studies show that many workers experience greater physical and mental exhaustion when working from home. Therefore, whether formally or over a coffee break, face-to-face interaction is more productive than hours in front of a computer.

2. **Improved Concentration:** While homes have found ways to adapt to create a home office, these spaces are not designed for meetings, brainstorming, and lack the proper tables or chairs. Calakmul State of The Art Building has created the right spaces for your company's employees. The return to in-person offices will bring a real benefit to companies as they witness a significant increase in employee concentration.

3. **Positive Impact on Mental Health:** The telecommuting model has brought many benefits and improvements to companies but poses a series of challenges to the mental health of employees. According to a study by LinkedIn, 62% of workers report feeling more anxiety and stress when working from home, as there is no clear distinction between work and family life. This is why returning to in-person work at a Calakmul State of The Art Building office will help differentiate these two aspects and improve the mental health of employees.

Many companies have prepared to bring employees back to physical offices; choose corporate building options that provide complete and suitable spaces to meet your company's needs. Discover Calakmul State of the Art Building!

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